Exercice 1.¶
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words = []
word=input("Entrez un mot(un blanc pour quitter ):")
while word != "":
word=input("Entrez un mot(un blanc pour quitter ):")
Exercice 2.¶
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from random import randrange
NUM_RUNS = 1000
D_MAX = 6
## Simulate rolling two six-sided dice
# @return the total from rolling two simulated dice
def twoDice():
# Simulate two dice
d1 = randrange(1, D_MAX + 1)
d2 = randrange(1, D_MAX + 1)
# Return the total
return d1 + d2
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def main():
# Create a dictionary of expected proportions
expected = {2: 1/36, 3: 2/36, 4: 3/36, 5: 4/36, 6: 5/36, 7: 6/36, 8: 5/36, 9: 4/36, 10: 3/36, 11: 2/36, 12: 1/36}
# Create a dictionary that maps from the total of two dice to the number of occurrences
counts = {2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0}
for i in range(NUM_RUNS):
t = twoDice()
counts[t] = counts[t] + 1
# Display the simulated proportions and the expected proportions
print("Total Simulated Expected")
print("Percent Percent")
for i in sorted(counts.keys()):
print("%5d %11.2f %8.2f" % (i, counts[i] / NUM_RUNS * 100, expected[i] * 100))
#print((i, counts[i] / NUM_RUNS * 100, expected[i] * 100))
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def characterCounts(s):
# Create a new, empty dictionary
counts = {}
# Update the count for each character in the string
for ch in s:
if ch in counts:
counts[ch] = counts[ch] + 1
counts[ch] = 1
# Return the result
return counts
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s1 = input("Enter the first string: ")
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s2 = input("Enter the second string: ")
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# Get the character counts for each string
counts1 = characterCounts(s1)
counts2 = characterCounts(s2)
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# Display the result
if counts1 == counts2:
print("Those strings are anagrams.")
print("Those strings are not anagrams.")
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def palindrome(mot):
if (mot == mot[::-1]):
return("Ce mot est un palindrome")
return ("Ce mot n'est pas un palindrome")
#Teste avec une lettre
Exercice (approximation d'une racine carée)¶
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def sqRoot(a, p):
cette fonction approche la racine carrée de a avec une précision p
x = a / 2
val = True
while val:
b = 1 / 2 * (x + (a / x))
error = abs((b - x) / b)
if error <= p:
val = False
x = b
return x
Exercice (jour de naissance)¶
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def isleap(a) :
if a % 4 == 0:
if a % 100 == 0 :
if a % 400 == 0 :
return True
else :
return False
else :
return True
else :
return False
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def verification(n) :
print("attention chaine de caractere doit etre > 8")
return False
DD = int(n[0:2])
MM = int(n[2:4])
YY = int(n[4:8])
if 1 <= DD <= 31 :
if 1 <= MM <= 12 :
if DD == 31 :
if MM in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] :
return True
else :
return False
elif MM==2:
if DD > 29 :
return False
elif DD==29:
return isleap(YY)
else :
return True
return True
else :
return False
else :
return False
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def jour(n):
if verification(n) :
day = int(n[0:2])
month = int(n[2:4])
year = int(n[4:8])
x = 0
y = 0
exp = 0
if (month == 1) or (month == 2):
x = year - 1
y = month + 12
x = year
y = month
exp = day - 1 + (5 * x // 4) - (x // 100) + (x // 400) + (13 * (y + 1) // 5)
final = exp % 7
dic = {0:'dimanche', 1:'lundi', 2:'mardi', 3:'mercredi', 4:'jeudi', 5:'vendredi', 6:'samedi'}
return dic[final]
return "vérifier la date"
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jour("01111986") # petit test